Tesla Motors is currently at the center of many controversies, depending on whose ox is being gored by their disruptive behavior.
1) NADA - National Automobile Dealers Association. This lobbying group has a firm control over many state legislatures for their decrepit and anti-consumer business model. It's NADA vs. Tesla. That battle finds a way to make Florida look good compared to Texas. Jeez, Texans, WTF?
2) Wall Street Shorts - people who bet that a stock will go down have been having a rough time of it. TSLA is not the most stable security in the world, and it is likely to fluctuate for quite some time in the battle between vision, greed and discipline that make for capricious candle charts. A click bait headline is all it takes to wipe out or generate $30 billion worth of shareholder equity in a matter of moments. Meh - maybe the vultures like that.Accessories For Motor Manufacturers
3) Oil companies. Some of the biggest and most powerful organizations on the planet make piles of cash extracting 200 million year-old hydrocarbons from the Earth's crust and pumping them into the atmosphere in an uncontrolled experiment to see how that will turn out. The stated goal of Tesla Motors is to eliminate their business model. Big Oil has not yet begun to fight. It's going to get ugly.
4) Electric Utilities. Hydrocarbons generate much of the electricity in the USA. Even though generating those electrons and powering cars with them is immensely cleaner when centralized in even the fulthiest unscrubbed Chinese coal burning power plant, public utilities are seeing their wasteful on-demand fossil fuel burning processes being supplanted by renewables at an alarming rate. Florida is an example of being the ironically named "sunshine state" due to the anti-solar policies that have been promulgated by the Florida Public Services Commission and legislature. That won't last forever, much to the chagrin of Duke Energy and Florida Power and Light.Wash Motors Manufacturers
5) Red blooded 'Muricans. Dig this. Tesla Motors is an American car company co-founded by a legal immigrant, manufacturing cars in a high tax state. Yet people somehow think it is a foreign made car. It goes 0-60 in 2.8 seconds, yet it is greener than a Prius. People are having a hard time wrapping their brains around the convenience of charging at home vs. stopping at gas stations. Environmentalists want to hate a 5000 lb. premium car because it does not have an uncomfortable one-piece molded hemp-based interior. All the usual Hummer haters and Daewoo haters have nothing to sink their teeth into, except a high price tag. The cognitive dissonance is deafening.
The saddest part is that Buzz Aldrin has come out against Elon Musk's other company, SpaceX. That is disheartening for a fan of both men.